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Are Solar Panels powered from the light or heat from the sun

Writen by Beacon Energy

Viewed 5 min read

Solar panels, to the untrained eye and the uneducated observer, look like they work off of magic. Because there is no apparent physical process going on within the solar panel, many people theorise about how a solar panel actually produces electricity. While the answer is objective and simple, there are many misconceptions that exist; prime among them the claim that solar panels use heat from the sun to generate electricity and not the light itself. The support for this claim comes from the fact that solar panels are at their most efficient when sunlight hits them directly. However, as we will discover later in this blog, that is actually not the case; solar panels use sunlight, not heat to generate energy.

Let us first debunk this myth of solar panels requiring heat or temperature from the sun to generate energy, then we’ll get on to how the PV or photovoltaic system actually works.

Debunking solar myths: Do solar panels use heat?

In a simple answer, no, solar panels do not use heat from the sun to energise the solar energy system. The PV effect works off of sunlight, not the heat generated from the sunlight hitting the surface of the panel. Here are some reasons why this myth is not a fact.

  • Extreme heat reduces PV performance:

  • If that were true, solar panels would perform better under extreme sunlight and subsequently extreme heat conditions. However, that is obviously not the case; solar panels and the PV effect register a drop in performance when subjected to extreme heat conditions. This is because light is enough to spark the PV effect; wherein electrons from the silicon wafer start to form a current. Extreme temperature actually slows down this process, and while there are solar panels with high temperance, your average solar panel will not generate as efficiently during extreme heat.

    Solar panels perform adequately during winters, overcast weather: If solar panels did require temperature to activate and not sunlight, this would render them immediately useless during cloudy weather and even during winters, especially in snowy conditions. During winters, while there is enough sunlight, environmental conditions dampen the temperature, which would then cause the solar panel to not perform efficiently. Similarly, during overcast or cloudy weather, solar panels still generate energy, proving that the PV effect does indeed utilize sunlight and not heat from the sun to generate energy.

    Understanding the PV effect

    The photovoltaic effect, discovered by French scientist Edmond Becquerel in 1839, uses cells that have a semiconductor sandwiched between its plates. When sunlight or any other source of light hits the surface of the receptor cell, this causes the electrons to be gain energy, get excited and leave the orbit of the atom. This, when amplified in magnitude, causes there to be a chain of electrons that eventually form a current which can then be used in conjunction with a solar inverter. That is the PV effect, and as stated clearly, it uses sunlight, not heat, to generate energy.

    The misconception arises from the language that gets used in these processes and the literature that accompanies them. It is true that the PV effect utilizes energy from the sun in the form of light, which is why the effect is called photovoltaic (photo standing for light). Energy in the form of light is utilized by the PV modules, not energy in the form of heat. This solar energy is then transformed into electricity by utilising the PV effect, and this gives a solar panel its characteristic efficiency and its name.

    How can you make your solar panels more efficient?

    While solar panels are already quite efficient and are more than capable of providing energy that satisfies the needs of a business or a household, solar panels can be made to perform further and more efficiently. Firstly, the installation angle matters a lot when it comes to solar panels. The angle needs to be such that the solar panels receive the most sunlight during peak sunlight conditions i.e. during the afternoon or noon. This is when the sunlight exposure is at its highest, and if placed properly, the solar panels will generate energy much efficiently than they would have done otherwise. Similarly, using high-output solar panels also helps, and allows you to tap into the solar energy more efficiently.

    Beacon Energy: Explore the best collection of solar panels in UAE

    UAE is a region that is very conducive towards solar energy, given its average exposure to sunlight and its lack of other weather conditions that persist throughout the year. Beacon Energy, one of the best solar companies in Dubai, offers a selection of solar panels from manufacturers like CanadianSolar to help both businesses and residential consumers make use of this incredible renewable energy source. Besides solar panels, Beacon Energy also has a wide selection of solar energy equipment from manufacturers like Soluna, SOFAR Solar, Mibet and other highly reputable manufacturers. Choose solar efficiency, choose Beacon Energy.

    Tags: solar panel in UAE, best solar company in Dubai, top solar company in UAE