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Common Solar Energy myths and misconceptions 2023

Writen by Beacon Energy

Viewed 5 min read

With solar energy getting more and more prevalent as we progress further, there are many misconceptions and myths that have emerged, which need to be explained in order for solar energy to be better understood and utilized by people all around the world. It is these solar energy myths that need to be countered with the facts about solar energy, explaining all that is within the concept of solar energy: whether its solar panels, solar energy or even its effects on home

ownership and resale value, these common myths and misconceptions about solar energy will be busted. There is a very fine line between solar myths and facts; most myths start owing to a misunderstanding. There are several aspects of solar energy that are not known or understood by the general public, and as such, its easy to see how such an idea could have been promoted. However, solar energy myths become a barrier towards us understanding how this entire process not only helps us as the consumer, but also helps the environment by a lot. Therefore, a manner of myth busting is required here.

Common Solar Energy myths

With solar energy myths, most of them are related to the various accessories involved in the process, like solar panels. Also, many of the common solar myths originate from weather conditions, which help explain how little is known about the actual process of generating electricity via solar energy. Let’s look at these solar myths and try to explain them the best we can.

  • Solar panels do not work in cloudy, rainy weather?

    • Solar panels and solar energy work not on the principle that you need ample light or temperature to generate power. No, even during cloudy days or rainy days, the solar energy system will generate power; however, you will notice a significant drop in the generation capacity. That is obviously because the light is too little to work with, but that does not mean that the power output for the day would nil or zero. The solar energy system will generate electricity nonetheless, just less of it.

      • Solar energy systems cost more than what they provide?

      Common misconception, given the high cost of solar energy systems. Yes, these cost a lot. However, saying that they aren’t economically and financially feasible would be wrong. See, even with the upfront costs, solar is affordable and feasible. The amount you save in terms of utility bills far outweighs the initial cost, and that is what springs this myth. Solar energy saves you money, and those savings are what essentially translate into what makes solar energy feasible.

      • Solar energy systems are not durable enough?

      Solar energy systems, especially solar panels, are durable enough for the job they have to do. Facing direct sunlight and using that heat to generate electricity, a good majority of solar panels regularly go over 15 years, with many manufacturers boasting lifetimes upwards of 25 years. That is a lot for a single-time cost and year-on-year savings, and the allied accessories like inverters and batteries are equally durable, provided you get them from the right manufacturer. That makes all the difference.

      • Solar energy systems can devalue a property?

      Thoroughly untrue. In fact, quite the opposite has been observed by, a multinational real estate holding company. On average, an increase of around $10,000 on properties with solar energy systems installed has been noted, which means that the myth is quite the opposite of what the reality is. Because of the perception that solar energy systems will help offset the utilities cost of the property, buyers tend to shell out more for properties with solar energy systems. So, not only is it a big saving machine, its also a way to improve your property should you choose to sell it.

      • Solar energy systems require constant, expensive maintenance?

      Also something that is quite far away from reality. Only the solar panels require some sort of maintenance, and that too is a simple wipe down every once in a while, should you have some extreme weather or dust storm, since this can negatively impact the performance of your solar panels. Aside from this, the complete solar energy system maintenance is only done yearly, and that is not costly, and only consists of trained professionals ensuring that the functioning of the entire system is top-notch and not altered in any way.

      • Solar energy systems are hard to recycle and damage the environment?

      Solar energy systems, especially the solar panels, might become an environmental hazard if disposed off unproperly, but if the proper procedure is followed, no one part of an entire solar energy system is dangerous for the environment and most are recyclable. In the EU, solar panels can be recycled, and among other things, certain elements from both the inverters and batteries can be recycled for further usage. Improper disposal may cause some problems, but that’s true of virtually any manufactured product.

      Going solar with Beacon Energy

      With Beacon Energy, one of the top solar energy equipment suppliers in Dubai, you get the best of both worlds: the best in equipment, from only the best manufacturers in the world like Canadian Solar and SOFAR Solar, and the fastest and most reliable delivery timelines from the manufacturer to you. Making a sure-fire impact on the solar skyline in Dubai, Beacon Energy is poised to hit greater heights as solar energy accelerates throughout the region.

Tags: solar panel company in UAE, best solar company in UAE, solar company in Dubai, solar energy myth, solar panel myths ,renewable energy myths and facts