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Does the size of a Solar Panel matter

Writen by Beacon Energy

Viewed 5 min read

Many misconceptions and myths exist in the realm of solar energy, and solar panels seem to get the lion’s share of them. What is it about solar energy that makes people such sceptics, we may never know, but here’s one of these myths: the size of the solar panel or the surface area of it does not matter. As you can probably tell, the question is, well, characteristic of so many myths that have come up over the time. We tackle this question: does the size of a solar panel matter? And what about the surface area? Let’s begin.

Now before we begin, a basic understanding of the functioning of a solar panel is imperative. Solar panels operate on the photovoltaic effect, also called the PV effect. This is done via numerous PV cells embedded within the solar panel. These generate electricity through the stream of excited electrons that are released from the constituting elements of the panel once sunlight hits the cells.

Now onto the question of the hour. And we will also look into the best solar panels in Dubai from CanadianSolar, and how Beacon Energy, one of the best solar companies in Dubai, is catalysing the solar energy revolution across the region.

Answered: Does the size and surface area of the PV module really matter?

The answer depends heavily on the functioning of the solar panel, as explained beforehand. A solar panel works on the photovoltaic effect, with numerous PV cells embedded within the panel doing the magic. As such, yes, size does matter. Why? Because the amount of PV cells is directly proportional to the size of the solar panel. The bigger the panel, the more PV cells it can have within its wafer-like structure, and you can have more power generation capacity.

Larger surface area

A larger surface area would obviously translate to a bigger size, but a larger surface area, especially in PV applications, is very beneficial, since it would mean that more and more PV cells can be packed into the panel. Yes, surface area and size of solar panel does matter, and the more surface area you can have for a PV module, the more PV cells you can pack into the entire structure and get more power generation out of it. Its as simple a concept as that.

Is a bigger solar panel the answer?

However, there are several things to keep in mind about this ‘bigger is better’ philosophy when it comes to solar panels. Yes, you can have a big solar panel that does the job of two or even three solar panels, but in the real, practical world, that would not be very feasible, since the manufacturing, transportation and installation of such unwieldy modules would become a headache.

Aside from that, solar panels function best when provided with ample sunlight. The reason why so many panels are arranged in a grid and at a certain angle is to maximise exposure to sunlight. A singular panel, albeit a large-sized one, would not be able to leverage all that solar energy for obvious reasons, neither can it be angled to ensure peak exposure during peak sunlight hours. As such, the entire concept of a large solar panel is redundant once practical applications are considered.

The current application of the solar panel, in its current form and configuration, brings out the best of both worlds. Densely packed PV cells along the surface means that maximization of surface area has been optimal, allowing the PV cells to utilize sunlight efficiently. The current size trends are also favourable, allowing greater mobility and rigidity while also allowing placement in angled positions designed to maximise energy generation. As such, larger solar panels are simply not feasible out of the practical limitations.

The best solar panels in Dubai from Beacon Energy

Beacon Energy, one of the best solar companies in Dubai, has inked exclusive supply agreements with CanadianSolar, one of the preeminent solar panel manufacturers in the world, to supply the best PV equipment in Dubai and the greater UAE. Beacon Energy focusses on supply chain efficacy and creating efficient supply lines to ensure provision of solar equipment at a fast pace. With this, you get the best in solar energy equipment as the region gears up to further

Tags: does the size of solar panel matter, best solar company in UAE , top solar companies in dubai, solar panel in dubai, best solar panel in dubai