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How does a solar panel produce energy

Writen by Beacon Energy

Viewed 5 min read

Solar panels are all the rage right now. With solar energy being the only clean and renewable energy source that does not actively or passively affect the environment negatively, many people are now switching to solar to ensure the environment does not suffer because of human requirements for energy.

However, for such a popular source of energy, the general knowledge among people on the topic of solar energy is minimal. For instance, while everybody likes to tout the solar panel as a very good way of generating power, very few actually know the process that goes on in the solar panel, also known as the photovoltaic module (PV). For instance, what actually causes the PV module to produce energy, and what part does the positioning of it and sunlight actually plays in the entire process.

However, there’s a catch. Getting into too much technical details will derail the intention of explaining how solar panels work. The fact is, that the more easier the operation is to explain, the more interested people get in it, and the more general understanding and awareness spreads. So, for this, today we’ll look into and simplify the operations of the humble solar panel.

Solar panels: How does it actually produce energy?

Lets start with the basics. A solar panel takes in solar power (rays of sunshine) and churns out electricity. Sounds like voodoo magic, right? No, its basic and simple chemistry behind this, and if you know anything about chemistry, it’s that once you start applying logic, everything gets simple. The basic principle here, surprise surprise, is boiling and thermodynamics. Just like how water boils and is basically excited when heat is applied, so does the principle govern solar panels. Here’s how. Solar panels consist of many solar cells. Each solar panel may have anywhere from 32 to 96 depending on the type. These are made of silicon. Now, what happens is that when sunlight hits the surface of the solar panel or solar cell, it heats the surface up. During this heat process, the atoms inside the solar cells get excited and release electrons, which is basically how PV modules produce electricity. This stream of excited electrons is then channelled by the solar wires from the solar panel into the inverter.

Because the current here produced is through electrons released from within the solar cells, the power or electricity produced here is in DC or direct current, which is not compatible with the home appliances or your power box at home. Since it requires AC or alternating current, therefore we use a solar inverter to convert the DC current into AC current to be used by the power box in your home.

The operation of a solar panel helps us understand the PV effect, and how, with the further proliferation of solar energy, can solar panels and their generation be further optimized and perfected for use in places where solar energy may be the only way out from the darkness. For the future, where more and more emphasis is being placed on renewable energy sources, solar energy may as well be our only hope going forth, and for that purpose, solar panels need to be more efficient and more effective at garnering this huge renewable energy source that we have been given unabated access to.

Understanding and maximizing power from your Solar Panels

Now that you have the basic understanding of how a solar panel produces power, now you can work towards maximizing the power production from your solar panels. Understanding the importance of solar cells within the solar panel is paramount. The solar panels that you get from the best solar panel companies will have the upper limit of solar cells in them, thereby maximizing your solar energy production.

What’s more, placement and installation also matters a lot in this case. Since the more temperature and sunlight the solar panels will receive will directly translate into electricity generated, therefore placement into an angle which gets the best sunlight for the longest period during the day will be crucial in maximizing the power from your solar panels.

Beacon Energy: The best solar panel supplier in UAE

Beacon Energy understands energy reliability and the need for uninterrupted access to energy. The top solar company in UAE, Beacon Energy has a range of solar panels in UAE from world-class manufacturers like CanadianSolar, designed to give you access to the best type of renewable energy, that will not only ensure energy reliability for you, but will also keep the planet clean for our next generations. Check out Beacon Energy for the best solar batteries in UAE and more.

Tags: solar panel in UAE, best solar panel in UAE, top solar companies in UAE, solar panel price in UAE