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How to reduce your carbon footprint with Solar Energy

Writen by Beacon Energy

Viewed 5 min read

Although the term carbon footprint has some seriously shady roots, it is a viable concept that allows all of us to be aware of the environment and how each of us can play a role in conserving it. One of the ways that we can go about saving the environment and essentially conserving the best parts of it is by reducing our usage of energy sources that have contributed so much to the damage of the environment. Yes, the most popular energy source: fossil fuels. It’s the one reason why electrical cars are gaining in popularity (even though the concept is still flawed) and more so than that, renewable and clean energy is the way forward.

Which is where solar energy comes in. You see, out of all the many types of renewable energy sources, the one that is the most efficient and the most feasible is solar energy. Its because of many factors that solar energy has become a driving force and the posterchild for renewable and clean energy. The fact that the sun has always been and always will be shining on us (for the extended future) or the fact that according to estimates, a singular hour of solar energy, if harvested properly, can cover the energy needs of the entire world for about a year. So, solar energy is a big deal.

We’ll look into reducing your carbon footprint with solar energy and how, with the best solar company in Dubai, Beacon Energy, you too can contribute to this growing movement against apathy of the environment.

Reducing your carbon footprint with solar energy

First we’ll talk about carbon footprint. It is essentially the waste and emissions an individual is responsible for during the course of their life; whether it be through their energy usage, travel or any aspect of their life. This means that each and every single one of us has a responsibility to preserve the environment, whether through our actions directly or through changes in our lives indirectly. Doing so at a larger scale will help roll back some of the damage already caused to the environment (such as the repairing of the ozone layer hole over the Antarctic) and will eventually result in a better environment for all.

Where does solar energy come in all of this? Energy usage, especially fossil fuels, make up the majority of our consumption of energy and contributes heavily to environmental pollution. For starters, solar energy for each household will result in enormous benefits; one study calculated that on average, a singular 10kW solar energy system could eliminate around 4 tonnes of carbon from a household’s emissions over a single year. This is big. If each house contributes around 4 tonnes of carbon to the environment annually, and solar can help remove that, imagine the benefits over the long term.

Cleansing the atmosphere from harmful carbon deposits, trees are also poised to significantly benefit from a usage of solar energy at the household level. Add into the equation solar energy for manufacturing zones and industrial areas, and you can get an idea of how much significantly better solar energy is for the environment.

Solar energy reduces greenhouse gas emissions

Many countries over the world have pledged to reduce their carbon footprint through solar. The two biggest users of solar energy, China and the American state of California, have both adopted solar as a means to satisfy their constantly growing need for power through clean and renewable means, and solar spearheads all of them. Similarly, solar energy also helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which are the major culprits in both increasing the earth’s temperature and also contributing negatively to the carbon footprint of not just individuals, but countries and globally too. Therefore, getting solar energy might just be the best way to save the environment, all the while not compromising on our energy requirements and still being able to satisfy all of our growing energy needs that don’t seem to stop.

Reduce your carbon footprint with Us

Beacon Energy, one of the foremost and best solar company in Dubai, is actively working towards the proliferation of solar energy usage for the betterment of the environment. With its profile full of equipment highly reputed solar manufacturers, no wonder the company is among the best solar companies in UAE, leveraging both the reputation of companies like CanadianSolar and SOFAR Solar, while also focusing on the provision of equipment without the hassles with which other solar companies in Dubai burden the consumer. An exceptional commitment to delivery timelines makes Beacon Energy one of the best solar companies in Dubai.

Tags: best solar company in UAE, solar company in UAE , carbon footprint, top solar companies in UAE