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Solar Energy the perfect solution to the Energy Crisis

Writen by Beacon Energy

Viewed 5 min read

As we move forward into the 21st century, renewable energy is the watchword. Everywhere we look, we get the idea that indeed, fossil fuels will run out eventually, and more and more, the transition from these sources to clean, renewable energy is being encouraged. At the helm of this generation-defining shift, we have renewable solar energy, one of the only energy sources that’s not only clean and renewable but also has a host of other advantages that make it a very lucrative and sustainable proposition for the transition. Let’s look at renewable solar energy and discuss why it’s the perfect solution to the energy crisis. For this discussion, we will exclusively look at the region that is poised to benefit the most from renewable solar energy: the UAE and the MENA region in general. Therefore, solar power in the UAE is a fast-growing and nascent industry, one that will undoubtedly progress further as time goes on. Solar companies in the UAE will power this transition, and the best of the bunch, like Beacon Energy LLC will be the ones who stay relevant throughout this transition.

Now let's get back to a question that stems from this: why is renewable solar energy the perfect solution to the energy crisis? Why is it that, despite there being loads of other energy sources, solar energy is the one that is touted the most as being the perfect solution to the energy crisis?

The Perfect Solution: Renewable Solar Energy

As you know, solar energy is derived from the sun, thus the name solar. It utilizes the photovoltaic effect to trap solar energy from the source and convert it into electricity. This whole process, unlike many other sources of renewable energy, does not require a whole bunch of apparatus and infrastructure to be developed beforehand to efficiently harness the power of the sun. All that is needed here are a couple of solar panels and a small processing setup that can run the entire house.

So, let's look at the reasons why renewable solar energy is the perfect solution for the energy woes of today.

i. No major infrastructure is required

As one of the world’s leading receivers of sunlight, solar energy in the UAE is a big market, with many locales opting for solar as a reliable means of generating power. As such, the solar projects in the UAE are widespread, but they don’t take up much real estate in the entire region, which brings up one of the main advantages of solar energy in the UAE. It does not require major infrastructure. Unlike some other renewable sources, like wind or nuclear, solar can be pretty much individual, in the sense that each household may have its own solar energy setup, independent of each other. Whereas for wind, a considerable amount of space is required to install windmills, which then run the grid, and for nuclear, well, nuclear plants are their own

ii. No environmental pollutants were produced as by products

This is another point that makes renewable solar energy a perfect solution. You see, generating power is an entire process, with each process leaving behind environmental pollutants. With wind power, wind farms have to be created far from residential areas to ensure the noise pollution from those mills does not interfere with daily life. With nuclear energy, while waste and by products are heavily regulated, events like the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the Three-Mile Island disaster, and the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown are the reasons why there’s still a lot of controversy around nuclear power. The only viable and feasible alternative left is renewable solar energy, which is evident from all the solar companies in the UAE and the breadth of solar projects in the UAE.

iii. Very cost-effective

With the two very important reasons listed beforehand, it's no wonder that governments worldwide have made renewable solar energy a very lucrative thing to deal in. Tax breaks, options like net metering, and government subsidies are all part of the solar infrastructure that make it a very feasible energy alternative. Many countries in the UAE and worldwide have certain discounts and tax rebates on solar panels and the associated solar equipment to ensure that people flock towards solar. In many states, there are by-laws that allow for solar energy to be heavily subsidized by the government in order to foster a general acceptance for renewable solar energy among the masses. Solar power in the UAE has its own set of advantages that help explain the massive number of solar companies and solar projects in the UAE.

Tags: solar power UAE ,solar energy UAE,solar companies UAE,solar projects in UAE,solar system in UAE,renewable solar energy,solar power in Dubai