Understanding solar panel wattage
Solar panels form the main energy generating receptacle of a solar energy system. They utilize the sunlight efficiently and effectively to ensure that the energy a household or office or a factory requires can be generated from the solar energy that it receives. As such, given the energy requirements of a premises, solar panels need to be equally efficient to generate enough energy that not only covers the needs of the premises, but, depending on the configuration of the system, also generates energy that can be stored for later usage. While not many people know about the particulars of solar panels, in this blog, we will start by understanding both solar panel wattage as well as the output of the PV module to understand just how much efficient solar panels are and how they can energise an entire premises without resorting to grid energy.
From popular adverts to the labels on the packaging of these solar panels, solar panel wattage and output is all around us, however, given the general unawareness of the general public about the various aspects of solar energy equipment including solar panels, we will first start with the general functioning of solar panels, and then proceed to understanding solar panel wattage and output, rounding off by discussing the top solar equipment supplier in UAE, Beacon Energy.
Solar Panels: How do they work?
In order to understand the wattage and the output of the solar panel, we first need to understand how solar panels actually work and generate energy. Using solar energy, which is essentially the sunlight, the surface of the solar panel is made out of numerous solar cells, which generate energy through a process called the PV or photovoltaic effect. This effect utilizes sunlight to excite atoms within the PV cell, causing them to lose electrons. When enough sunlight hits the PV cells, enough electrons are knocked loose for them to form a current, which then travels through the solar panels and on to the solar inverter or the battery depending on the configuration of the system.
This is how solar panels generate electricity. With this out of the way, let’s understand the terms ‘solar panel wattage’ and output to better understand what one can expect from them.
Solar panel Wattage:
Commonly communicated through the packaging of a solar panel, wattage is essentially the maximum power that can be generated by the solar panels with ideal conditions in place. Also known as potential output of the solar panel, solar panel wattage is measured in watts, and is usually stated alongside the model name and number of the solar panel.
Solar panel output:
While the concept of solar panel wattage and output might be similar, the fact is that output in terms of solar energy and for solar panels is different. Solar panel output is defined as the total amount of energy or electricity that is generated by a solar panel over time. Given that output takes into account both energy generated and time, output is measured in kilowatt per hour (kWh), and since sunlight and weather conditions vary throughout the day, solar panel output isn’t constant and varies, according to the weather conditions and other factors.
So, to simplify, solar panel wattage is essentially the maximum power that can be generated by a solar panel, which is why it is denoted in watts and usually starts from around 500 watts, all the way to 700 watts in some models. This is the maximum generation number: in ideal conditions, when the sunlight is hitting the solar cells directly and no other environmental factor is affecting or downgrading the performance of the solar panel, you can expect the solar panel wattage to look something like that. On the other hand, output can be described as the ‘solar panel wattage in real life’. This is because a lot of environmental and other factors do come into play when solar panels actually perform in the real environment, and this difference in wattage and actual generation is known as solar panel output.
With solar panels, the first rule of thumb is to go with efficiency. Many top brands like CanadianSolar, exclusively dealt in UAE by Beacon Energy offer panels that boast an impressive efficiency level. This means that out of the average 8 hours of sunlight that a solar panel will receive, the most efficient ones will utilize most of it at around 30 per cent of efficiency and will provide you with good output, enough to energise your home or office.
Beacon Energy: Top solar panel distributor in UAE
For the best CanadianSolar panels in UAE, Beacon Energy is your go-to supplier. We have an extensive range of the best CanadianSolar panels in UAE, from bifacial panels to high-efficiency ones. Beyond that, Beacon Energy also boasts the best and latest in other solar energy equipment, including solar inverters, batteries and other allied accessories. Check us out at beaconenergy.ae to learn more.